Parent or Legal Guardian of children birth to five years of age who live within the boundaries of the Central Kitsap School District or are employees of CKSD. If you're not sure if you live in the Central Kitsap School District, visit our school boundaries page to find out. Childcare providers who serve Central Kitsap School District families may also attend.
Ready! classes are designed for parents and caregivers to help them maximize their role and skills as their child's first and most important teacher.
If you have more than one child ages birth to five, please plan to sign up and view the Ready! for each child, as sessions are age-appropriate.
Online Class Option
Once your registration is approved, you'll find a link to your class(es) in your account at www.ReadyForKindergarten.org. You'll also receive a link via email. If this doesn't appear in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
Your class will discuss materials that you'll receive after viewing the video and filling out the evaluation. (We'll send an email to you once we receive your evaluation letting you know when you can pick up materials.)
If you need to pause as you're viewing the class, you can come back and finish it anytime in the class window (April 10th - 28th). You'll just need to scroll through the slides until you're at the point you left.
FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING READY! CLASSES, PLEASE CONTACT MOLLY AT mollye@ckschools.org or call 360-662-1724.