FREE Parent and/or Guardian Classes
Parent or Legal Guardian of children birth to five years of age who live within the boundaries of the Clarkston School District.
Who may attend?
A Clarkston parent or guardian. One additional adult may attend with you to "audit" the class, such as a spouse, grandparent, or friend, but only one set of learning materials will be provided per child. Please come 5-10 minutes early to sign in and get your name tag.
First-Time Enrollee?
This is a MUST if you are new to READY! Get your basic materials, a READY! notebook and canvas bag, by attending the "Intro to READY!" mini-class which is held 30 minutes before the regular class begins.
Fall 2015
If you are interested in fall 2015 classes, please contact Di Howell at 509-769-5541 or
Enrollment is on a "First Come, First Serve" basis, so register early
Contact Us
Clarkston School District
1294 Chestnut Street
Clarkston, Washington, 99403