Welcome to Ready! for Kindergarten.
This free educational parent-program is completed through a series of three modules, either online through self-paced e-learning modules or in-person. Parents will receive materials and instructions for each class on age appropriate learning targets and activities to engage children in playful learning. Parents then get to keep the materials so they can continue the playful learning at home where children learn best from the ones they love. We encourage that parents participate in all three modules.
Basic Information:
These free classes are offered to parents residing in the Walla Walla Public Schools boundaries with children ages Birth-5. Please select a class based on the age of your child. Children preparing to enter kindergarten in the 2025-26 school year should take the 4-5 class.
To Register (choose the learning method that works best for you):
Register online: Ready for Kindergarten Registration
Email: familiesandschools@wwps.org
Phone: 509.526.6781
Bienvenido a Ready! for Kindergarten
Este programa educativo para padres se lleva a cabo a través de una serie de tres módulos. En cada taller, los padres recibirán materiales e instrucciones para cada objetivo de aprendizaje adecuado para su edad y actividades para involucrar a los niños en el aprendizaje lúdico. Los padres podrán llevar a casa los materiales para que puedan continuar con el aprendizaje lúdico en el hogar donde los niños aprenden mejor de sus seres queridos. Animamos a que los padres asistan a los tres módulos.
Información básica:
Para registrarse:
Registro online: Registración para Ready for Kindergarten
Correo electrónico: familiesandschools@wwps.org
Llame: 509.526.6781